Selasa, 12 Januari 2010


Company Name : Indramayu Company
Address : Unico’s street No. 234 B
Indramayu, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Telp : (0234)123456
Fax : (0234) 98765
E-mail :

Definition of Product :
Bocori Sweat it is Isotonic drink which can change liquid and elektrolyte of body that was lost. Bocori Sweat is absorb by our body because the osmolarity and the electrolytes that can subtitude liquid of our body.
Composition :
Compositions of Bocori Sweat are water, sugar, citratte, sitrat natrium, chloride natrium, laktat potassium,carbonate mgnesium and citrus perissa. Besides that, we consider nutrien content in Bocori Sweat: total fat 0%, sodium 5%, totl charbohydrate 19%, sugars 19%, and protein 0%.
composition irrigate in this Bocori Sweat we produce by using water which have experienced of ozonisasi process so that very good to consumed. Beside sugar measuring which we mix for the sweetener of in this beverage is 19%. So don’t become barrier to consumer owning diabetes disease. This drink not contain preservative, colouring, and artificial sweetener.
the purpose We mean, making this product is to change ion of body. Because the drink consist of elektrolyte it is served in a refrigerator, not direct light, and a high temperature.

Price : Rp 5.000,00/bottle
We appreciate the offer and as with previous orders, will pay upon receipt of an invoice and the components. Invoicing instructions are detailed in the purchase order.
If you have any questions concerning our order, please to note besitate to contact me.

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